Pedialyte for Dogs: Is It Safe? (2024)

Pedialyte is an electrolyte solution that can be given to children or adults with mild diarrhea or dehydration. It can help rehydrate and replenish electrolytes, which often makes a sick person with mild dehydration feel better.

So if your dog is suffering from the same symptoms, can you give a dog Pedialyte, too? Is Pedialyte safe or even useful for dogs?

Here’s what you need to know about giving Pedialyte to dogs.

Can Dogs Have Pedialyte?

The short answer is that in small quantities, Pedialyte is likely safe for most dogs, but there are many reasons why you should not give your dog Pedialyte. Your first action should be calling your vet instead.

Most importantly, there are no scientific studies at this time advocating for its use in dogs. There is simply no evidence that Pedialyte is any more beneficial to a mildly dehydrated dog than just regular water.

And the dangers of giving your dog Pedialyte are too great—you could end up actually making your dog feel worse.

Risks of Giving Pedialyte to Dogs

Here’s why it’s best to call your vet rather than trying to treat your dog at home with Pedialyte.

Pets That Are Sick and Dehydrated Need a Veterinarian—Not Pedialyte

If your dog is dehydrated enough to need additional care beyond simple water, then you should be seeking veterinary care.

Take your dog to the vet for treatment if your dog has a serious electrolyte imbalance. Your veterinarian will be able to hydrate and rebalance your dog much more effectively and safely than you can at home with Pedialyte.

They can also determine the cause of dehydration, which might need more serious treatment. If you are concerned enough to be considering giving your dog Pedialyte, then you should be calling your veterinarian.

Pedialyte Can Make Vomiting Dogs Worse in Some Cases

Attempting home remedies may delay veterinary care, making a worse overall prognosis in some pets. Even more damaging, providing Pedialyte to a vomiting dog who continues to vomit can actually make dehydration and electrolyte imbalances worse.

With pets that have vomiting and diarrhea, it’s best to call your vet. Oftentimes, they will recommend coming in to be seen, but sometimes they may recommend withholding food for 8-12 hours and assessing for vomiting and diarrhea.

If vomiting recurs or your dog shows signs of lethargy, they must go to the vet. If no vomiting is seen during that time, then slowly introduce a bland diet. Most vets would agree that withholding food and starting a bland diet is likely far more beneficial than giving a dog Pedialyte.

Pedialyte Has Been Formulated For Humans—Not Dogs

Lastly, Pedialyte is not formulated based on canine electrolyte balance. Most human energy drinks tend to have higher sodium than what is indicated for dogs.

The higher level of sodium can be harmful for dogs. Pedialyte also has extra sugar in it, which may be harmful to diabetic dogs or dogs with diseases who are predisposed to electrolyte imbalances.

Patients with vomiting, moderate to severe dehydration, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease or other diseases that make your pet sensitive to sodium or sugar intake should definitely avoid Pedialyte.

Without knowing why your pet is sick, it would be difficult to determine the benefit of adding Pedialyte to their water.

Can Pedialyte Ever Be Given to Dogs?

Historically, some shelters and rescues who are unable to hospitalize their pets will use small amounts of Pedialyte with parvovirus puppies that have already been to see the veterinarian and been determined to be stable enough for outpatient treatment.

Pedialyte does not ‘cure’ parvovirus. It would simply be one element of supportive care. Usually, the puppies are also treated with fluids, anti-nausea medications, and antibiotics.

Bottom Line: Call the Vet Instead of Giving Your Dog Pedialyte

If you think your pet is sick, instead of reaching for Pedialyte, talk with your veterinarian. They can help assess your pet to determine what treatment is warranted.

Do not delay getting a sick pet to the veterinarian because you have Pedialyte at home you would like to try first. This could affect your dog negatively by delaying needed treatments.

If your dog is sick enough to need Pedialyte, they’re sick enough to need a veterinarian.

By: Dr. Monica Tarantino, DVM

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Monica Tarantino, DVM


Dr. Monica Tarantino is a small animal veterinarian and pet parent educator. She's on a mission to help senior cats and dogs around the...

Pedialyte for Dogs: Is It Safe? (2024)


Pedialyte for Dogs: Is It Safe? ›

Pedialyte Has Been Formulated For Humans—Not Dogs

Do vets recommend Pedialyte for dogs? ›

“While Pedialyte in small amounts is likely not dangerous for dogs, the electrolytes in the drink are formulated for humans, not animals,” Dr. Mandese points out. “In larger amounts, the high concentration of additives, such as sodium and glucose, could potentially be dangerous, especially in smaller animals.”

How much Pedialyte can a 10 lb dog have? ›

Give 1 tablespoon of pedialyte, gatorade, or water every hour or two for each ten pound of body weight( eg. 3 tbsp for 30 lbs) to replace the water and electrolytes lost puking and pooping. Remember your pet is not taking in water, and is losing more than normal and can dehydrate fast if very young or old.

How do you make Pedialyte for dogs? ›

Recipe for electrolyte fluid replacement for dogs:

Mix 4 cups of water + 1 tablespoon dextrose or honey + 1 teaspoon salt. Bring the water to a low boil and add the dextrose/honey and salt. Stir until it dissolves. Remove from heat.

What do vets do to hydrate dogs? ›

An IV is the most efficient method to rehydrate. This will need to be done in a clinic with a catheter, and is closely monitored. Fluid taken in too quickly can have negative results. Dehydration left untreated can cause shock, illness, and can even result in death.

Is chicken broth good for dogs? ›

Boosts immune health: Chicken broth is full of vitamins that support your dog's immune system. It contains healthy minerals and amino acids, including calcium, gelatin, silicon, magnesium, and phosphorus. Adding chicken broth to your dog's diet is also a great way to boost hydration.

Can my dog have too much Pedialyte? ›

It's best to avoid giving your dog a full bowl of Pedialyte even when it's diluted. A dehydrated dog might be tempted to drink too much of the solution at once, which can lead to further vomiting and stomach cramps.

Can I give my dog Pedialyte with a syringe? ›

Pedialyte should be added to your dog's water or given via a syringe if they refuse to drink water. You can also add Pedialyte to your dog's food to encourage them to stay hydrated.

Is Pedialyte or Gatorade better for dogs? ›

But we don't recommend it. A few sips of Gatorade are perfectly safe for your dog, but water is the only fluid your dog needs to stay hydrated. It may help your dog somewhat to have a few sips of Gatorade after a bout of diarrhea, but Pedialyte is probably a better choice.

Is honey good for dogs? ›

Here's some sweet news: honey is non-toxic to dogs and completely safe in small quantities. Honey might even be beneficial to your pup because it's rich in antioxidants, which help protect your pet's body cells from damage.

What is best to drink for dehydrated dogs? ›

If your pooch is mildly dehydrated provide your pet with small amounts of water to drink every few minutes or offer your dog pieces of ice to lick. To help restore your dog's electrolyte balance you could also provide your pup with Ringer's lactate (an electrolyte replacement fluid).

How to get a sick dog to drink water? ›

Wiping along the dog's gums or tongue can encourage your dog to drink. Use a syringe to give your dog water. Shoot water gently into your dog's mouth and it will be forced to swallow at least a little of it.

How long does it take a dog to recover from dehydration? ›

A pet with severe dehydration will take longer to recover, and their recovery time will depend on the extent of their dehydration and the underlying cause. If the dehydration was caught early and your pet only requires IV fluids, they may only need to stay in hospital for a day.

How often should I give my dog Pedialyte for parvo? ›

You can offer the pedialyte in a bowl several times a day. If he is refusing to drink from the bowl then you can syringe 10-20mls every 2 hours or so into his mouth. Be sure to do it slowly so there is no risk of aspiration. You can offer him water at the same time as well.

What foods are good for hydrating dogs? ›

Strawberries, cucumber and seedless, rindless watermelon are great hydrating treats for dogs, as they each have more than 90% water content. Cantaloupe is another great option with 89% water content. On hot days you can serve frozen chunks of these moisture-rich fruits to help your dog cool down and replenish fluids.

Is Pedialyte the same as electrolyte? ›

Pedialyte is an oral electrolyte solution that is specifically designed to replace vital minerals and nutrients that are lost when a child has diarrhea with or without vomiting.

How to rehydrate your dog after vomiting? ›

9 Proven Ways to Rehydrate a Dog
  1. Give Your Dog Fresh Water. ...
  2. Try Adding Flavor to Their Water. ...
  3. Increase the Amount of Wet Food. ...
  4. Add a Broth To Their Food. ...
  5. Give Your Dog Frozen Treats. ...
  6. Offer Vegetables. ...
  7. Make Homemade Rehydrating Treats.
Oct 21, 2023


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