sem*nax Review and Results(Before/After Pics). I Tried this Supplement (2024)

sem*nax Review and Results(Before/After Pics). I Tried this Supplement (1)

A small volume ofsem*n is the main intimate problem of men

With age, the amount of seminal fluid in men during ejacul*tion decreases by about 30%.Such a problem can be caused not only by age-related changes but also by many other factors, among which we can distinguish – bad habits or taking certain medications.

We outline the main consequences that a small amount of sperm can cause during ejacul*tion:

  • Less sensitive and emotional sex;
  • Decreased penis sensitivity
  • Less intense and intense org*sms;
  • The visually unfavorable picture with a small amount of seminal fluid most negatively affects the psychological state of men;
  • A man cannot feel fully dominant.

Therefore, if you want to avoid all of the above problems, we recommend that you now think about ways that can increase the volume of seminal fluid during ejacul*tion. Let’s take a look closer at one of the best pills for sperm volume improvement. This is a sem*nax review.

Table of Contents

The quality of sex before/after(pictures) taking sem*nax

You probably have repeatedly heard about supplements that improve sem*n count. The leader among these nutritional supplements is sem*nax. Specialists in the field of men’s health conducted a survey in which men who experienced the effective and safe effects of sem*nax took part.

Survey participants noted that before taking sem*nax, the volume of seminal fluid ejected during ejacul*tion was unsatisfactory. Against the background of this phenomenon, they could not feel sexually strong and attractive.

Men note that their soul mates were also not completely satisfied and could not experience a full org*sm. A small amount of sperm became one of the main causes of disorders of sexual function. As soon as the survey participants began treatment with sem*nax, the situation improved. I have personally tried this supplement and you can follow my experience published in this review.

What are sem*nax pills?

sem*nax Review and Results(Before/After Pics). I Tried this Supplement (2)

sem*nax is a universal complex of nutritional supplements containing only natural ingredients. sem*nax is a universal supplement whose developers have created an innovative active formula.

The action of the tablets is aimed at improving all the sexual functions of the male body – an increase in sperm volume, a stronger and more powerful erection, increased potency, longer sexual intercourse, and the prevention of premature ejacul*tion.

Many modern specialists in the field of intimate male health includesem*naxin the complex treatment of various kinds of sexual disorders. Positive recommendations of doctors and user reviews can be found on the official website of the manufacturer of the drug.

The composition of the sem*nax formula includes the following set of ingredients:

  • Hawthorn;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Poppy root;
  • Various amino acids, etc.

My results of taking sem*nax pills

sem*nax Review and Results(Before/After Pics). I Tried this Supplement (3)

My final results after 3 months:

sem*nax Review and Results(Before/After Pics). I Tried this Supplement (4)

During clinical studies, the following results were revealed:

  • The man can observe the first noticeable changes 30 days after the start of the drug.The volume ejected during the ejacul*tion of sperm increases by about 10%. In this case, an erection becomes more powerful;
  • After 2 months of taking the tablets, patients can observe how the sensations of intimacy become more saturated.In this case, the amount ofsem*n volume increases by another 10%;
  • And when, after 3 months of taking the food supplement, the course of treatment is completed, the man already visually sees that the sperm volume has increased exactly twice, the duration of sexual intercourse has become approximately 40% longer, and org*sms have become saturated. Against all the positive changes, the man begins to feel sexually strong and attractive, which his sexual partner cannot fail to notice.

Advantages and disadvantages of taking sem*nax pills

First of all, I want to outline several advantages that a man receives in the process of taking sem*nax tablets, as well as upon completion of the full course of treatment:

  • Sperm volume increases two, or even three times;
  • More sensitive and intense org*sms;
  • Sex becomes diverse and emotionally intense;
  • Confidence in one’s own sexual powers and male attractiveness appears;
  • The sexual partners of all men who have been treated with the sem*nax dietary supplement speak of improving the quality of sex and new, previously unknown sensations.

The main disadvantage of sperm volume pills is that it takes some time for the active formula to take effect. However, this drawback can be interpreted from different angles. After all, the long-term effect of tablets on the body only indicates that you are dealing with a natural and safe drug that cannot produce negative consequences.

While taking sem*nax, men should pay due attention to proper nutrition, a full sleep regimen, and, if possible, to taboo all sorts of bad habits. Note that a man must take capsules regularly, without gaps, for at least three months to get a positive result while maintaining the effect. Therefore, the client will have to order 3 packs of the drug at once.

User Frequently Asked Questions

In buying and using sem*nax pills, men have various questions, the answers to which we will try to give now.

Dosage or how to takesem*naxtabletscorrectly?

There is nothing complicated in this process.It is enough to drink one capsule of the drug once a day with meals, drinking a pill with enough water.

How ong does sem*nax work?

1 capsule of a natural dietary supplement is designed for approximately 10 hours of effective action.

Indications and contraindications for the use ofsem*nax

The main contraindication to taking the sem*nax pills is the age of the man. It is strictly forbidden to use sem*nax for guys under the age of 21. Also, with caution, the drug should be taken for men over 65. Indications for taking the drug are disorders of sexual function.

Where is the best place to buysem*nax?

In order to be sure of the quality and safety of a natural food supplement, we strongly recommend that you purchase goods only on the manufacturer’s official website.

So, if you want to become a sexually hardy man, and also produce a large amount of sperm, we recommend that you order sem*nax right now. World-famous p*rn actors often take this product.

How does the sem*nax formula work?

This product immediately contains 7 important active ingredients that affect the production of sperm in your body. And we are talking about the growth of all sperm compounds:

  • Seminal plasma
  • Fluids of the bulbourethral gland
  • Prostate fluid

In fact, an increase in sperm leads to even greater pleasure in org*sm.While ejacul*tion takes place, you get an org*sm and withsem*naxit becomes really long.

Brief sem*nax review

sem*nax and increased sperm several times contribute to improving the quality of your sex. These are not just pills that only affect sperm growth. We are talking about increased sexual energy, a stronger erection, and improved stamina during sex. You cannot simply activate one of the components of your sexual functions.

Volume ejacul*tion indicates the state of your potency and libido, and with sem*nax, you can get more pleasure from sex and give it to your sexual partner.

This dietary supplement affects your low testosterone level and increases it, whichirreplaceablystimulates sperm secretion.

Thanks to sem*nax, nitrogen synthesis begins to take place more actively. This directly affects the synthesis of testosterone. This greatly enhances your sexual appetite and enhances sexual desire.

ejacul*tion is also a contraction of muscles, so thanks to this formula it is greatly enhanced. You can make real c*mshots impressing your sexual partner. This could be the plot of your home video. Agree meager ejacul*tion is not the best final scene for a movie with your sexual partner.

I want to tell you that I’ve been convinced from my own experience that making a home video is really cool. You can view it with your partner and get even more excited. And, of course, everything in this video should arouse sexual desire: weasels, direct sex and org*sm with abundant ejacul*tion.

Among the main advantages ofsem*naxover other similar products:

  • Guaranteed sperm increase in 60 days
  • Improving sexual arousal and sexual appetite just a month after taking the pills
  • 67-day guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result or get your money back

Are there any disadvantages to this product?

Due to the natural formula, you will not feel any side effects from taking sem*nax. Only positive changes and only an increase in sexual desire and sperm volume. If you are allergic to certain components, be sure to check each of them or consult your doctor.

This product is sold without a prescription and is valid for all men without exception.Only this action for each man can be different.Someone gets results faster, someone slower, someone they are really stunning, and someone is content with only minor improvements.

To understand how sem*nax works and what its strength is, it is enough to study the ingredients that enter it:


It is this acid that enhances sperm synthesis in the body. We are talking about inactive sperm, and not about raising your fertility level.


This acid also helps to increase sperm synthesis, as well as increase the level of testosterone in the blood. I also want to say about the health of sperm, which this ingredient affects.


This plant is known in Chinese medicine, where it was used to enhance male libido and sexual health. Now, this ingredient compliments the sem*nax formula, which really has a complex effect on male sexual functions.


It is also called Horny Goat Weed – a strong natural aphrodisiac. According to many clinical studies, this plant stimulates the production of testosterone, which in turn is responsible for the amount of sperm. Activation of sperm secretion is another property of Horny Goat Weed.


This acid is essential for the health of your sperm. It increases sperm motility and is responsible for increasing your fertility. This is an important factor, as sem*nax, unlike similar products, also takes care of your sexual health.

More facts aboutsem*nax


I want to note that this product has been on the market for more than 10 years and is sold by a reputable pharmaceutical company. It is manufactured and certified in the USA. You can be calm – this product is completely safe, does not contain hidden ingredients. Be sure to read customer reviews on the official website and on the many forums about male potency.

sem*nax naturally enhances your male sexual functions so that you can increase your sperm count, increase your org*sm sensation and make bright c*mshots.

Your sexual partner will appreciate the changes that will occur with your sexuality. But please do not forget that to enhance your potency and sperm count, you must lead a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, after taking sem*nax, you can return to your previous results.

Sooner or later, there comes a moment when you realize that your sex life has begun to decline – an erection happens less often, and when it happens, it is no longer as “iron” as before. Along with this comes a more serious problem – either poor quality of sperm or a decrease in its quantity, and, consequently, infertility.

A decrease in the amount of sperm is often observed at the age of over 55 years when the secretion of the gonads is reduced. But doctors are faced with the fact that poor ecology, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits lead to problems with erection and the amount of seed in men occur at an earlier age.

Decreased sperm count leads to azoospermia (a lack of sem*n). This leads to a decrease in sexual desire, sexual life ceases to be colorful, and the partner no longer receives the desired pleasure from intimacy. In men, in parallel with azoospermia, other problems may also appear – a feeling of pain in the genital area and a decrease in hair on the face and body.

Without taking timely measures to improve the quality of sperm, a man deprives himself of the opportunity to have children and live a whole life.

Is there a way not only to return but also to improve the quality of the seed?

There is! And I want to note that this method is incredibly good.

sem*nax is a natural herbal supplement and the world’s best-selling natural sem*n volume booster . It has been developed to provide a quality solution to problems with sexual activity, to increase the quantity and quality of sem*n.

And, in my opinion, the natural ingredients in the composition of the drug give a fantastic result. Natural eco-friendly components stimulate the body’s natural ability to produce spermatozoa and, as a result, the amount of sem*n actively increases up to 70%. And this, in turn, leads to a double strength of org*sm.

With a regular intake of sem*nax , the body naturally begins to produce a large amount of sperm. Against the backdrop of the need to get rid of overfilling with sem*n, the muscles of the penis during sexual intimacy are forced to contract more powerfully and longer, providing a strong org*sm. These positive changes lead to greater satisfaction for the man and his partner and increased libido.

sem*nax helps :

  • Increase the amount of seed by 70%;
  • Increase potency, erection becomes harder;
  • Increase org*sm time and make it more colorful.

All together will make the sex life deeper and brighter, and with regular use of sem*nax , the following happens:

  • Increased sexual desire;
  • Increased male fertility;
  • Treatment and prevention of prostatitis.

The use of sem*nax helps to restore the functioning of the reproductive system and also has a positive effect on the state of the body:

  • Increases the amount of testosterone;
  • Accelerates the growth of muscle mass;
  • Strengthens the immune system.

What makes this drug so miraculous? Its ingredients!

sem*nax capsules are made based on a special formula that slows down male menopause. The formula includes 17 all-natural ingredients. These ingredients improve sexual health and function independently, and when combined, they create a powerful and effective natural supplement for dramatic male enhancement.

Composition of sem*nax

Vitamin E – alpha tocopherol acetate 60 IU

Swedish flower pollen

Zinc aspartate 20% 30 mg

Maca 600 mg

L-carnitine 500 mg

Butea superba 500 mg

Pine bark 300

L-arginine 250 mg

L-lysine 250 mg

Chrysin 200 mg

Fenugreek 100 mg

Hawthorn berries 50 mg

Cranberry 50 mg

Avena Sativa 50 mg

Sarsaparilla 50 mg

Swedish flower pollen 50 mg

Pumpkin seeds 30 mg

Briefly about the ingredients

Pine bark extract , catuaba bark , pilza Shyed flowers and zinc are responsible for the overall health of the reproductive system.

Amino acids, goryanka arrowhead , and zinc oxide affect the quality and quantity of sperm, increasing a man’s fertility.

Vitamin E, muira puama , aven extract sativa and sarsaparilla improve erection.

Tibulus , arrowhead gourd , amino acids promote the release of testosterone.

Pumpkin seeds, cranberry extract, and zinc positively affect the prostate.

Hawthorn helps remove cholesterol and excess fat from the body, normalize the cardiovascular system, and is an excellent antioxidant.

It is clinically proven that sem*nax copes with male menopause, significantly increases sperm production, creates a powerful long-lasting org*sm, strengthens the health and activity of spermatozoa, improves sperm quality – eliminates unpleasant smell and taste. In addition, an improvement in the reproductive qualities of sperm was also noted.

Unlike other male health supplements, every ingredient in sem*nax capsules has been scientifically tested and found to be safe to consume. Unique ingredients and carefully controlled doses ensure better absorption by the body without any risk of side effects. And as a bonus, they experience longer, intense org*sms and completely satisfy their partner. Also, if a couple is trying to conceive, seminal ejacul*tion increases the chances of successful fertilization.

As a result , sem*nax received such confidence after passing sanitary-epidemiological and clinical examinations. The clinical study, which lasted two months, involved 63 men aged 30 to 60 years. The study aimed to measure the duration and intensity of org*sms in men taking sem*nax .

The men were divided into two groups. The first group received four sem*nax tablets twice a day. The second group received placebo at the same dosage. It was recorded that more patients in the sem*nax group showed an increase in ejacul*te volume of 70% or more compared to placebo in the absence of side effects.

I want to note that sem*nax should be used on a regular basis. The drug is sold as capsules. In one container (bottle) – a monthly smell of capsules. Recommended daily dose: 4 capsules (1 capsule 4 times a day).

After taking the capsule, the nutrients accumulate in the body, working to ensure long-term results.

Today, sem*nax is the world’s best-selling natural volume enhancer. Over the years, several imitators have tried to replicate its success with similar products, but none come close to sem*nax’s success because sem*nax has a patented, unique formula.

I would also like to note that more than 2 million men have already improved their sex life with the help of sem*nax .

sem*nax tablets can be sold in a regular pharmacy. But in order not to get 100% fake, it is better to buy tablets on the company’s official website www.sem*

I want to note that sem*nax is so popular due to its effectiveness that it is present in many large stores: Amazon, Walmart, eBay, GNC and even AliExpress . But on unofficial sites, you cannot be sure that you will not overpay or receive an official guarantee from the manufacturer.

It is best to buy capsules on the official website www.sem*, firstly, it is much more profitable than from resellers, as there are special offers when making packages, and secondly, there is an official guarantee of the result.

sem*nax Prices

Package for 1 month – $59.95 instead of $79.95 (same retail price)

  • 3 months $154.95 instead of $239.85
  • 6 months $289.95 instead of $479.70
  • 12 months $399.95 instead of $959.40

As a bonus, the official website offers free worldwide shipping (for 6 and 12-month packages).

To become a happy owner of male power, choose a beneficial package for you on the site and pay with a card. When ordering, indicate your home address, and the drug will be sent to you anywhere in the world.

I note again that when ordering on the site, the client receives a 100% money back guarantee within 67 days after the purchase if the result does not meet expectations.

I also want to advise you to monitor your diet and lifestyle to ensure the maximum effect of enhancing male power.

Today, the most useful products for the male body and reproductive system are:

Seafood. Crayfish, shrimps, mussels, lobsters, caviar, shrimps, also sea fish are suitable. They have a high content of cobalt and zinc, so they stimulate the production of hormones that affect sexual activity.

Dairy products. They saturate the male body with valuable substances. The most useful are dairy products with a low percentage of fat content.

Red meat, chicken drumsticks, rabbit carcasses, quail and beef. Such meat improves tissue regeneration and regulates the process of hormone secretion.

Nuts and honey. They are enriched with value for the male body zinc and other trace elements that strengthen the immune system. Nuts with honey are advised to eat 2-3 tbsp. l. in a day.

Fruit. They need to be eaten every day. It will help if you diversify your diet with bananas, apples and strawberries. Other fruits containing a large amount of zinc, iron and potassium are also helpful.

Hot spices. Red pepper, cardamom, ginger and ginseng are considered the most effective in treating impotence.

I also recommend following these tips

  • Give up smoking. Cigarettes contain cadmium, a toxic element that causes impotence.
  • Get enough sleep (at least 7 hours a day). Fatigue is a common culprit in sexual problems.
  • Go for a massage. Physical interaction relaxes the muscles, tones the body and relieves stress.
  • Engage in physical activity. Regular exercise increases the endurance of the perineal muscles, influences blood flow and facilitates the filling of the cavernous bodies during arousal.
  • Contact a psychotherapist. Suppose a man is able to experience an erection in his sleep and cannot achieve it during intimacy. In that case, this indicates the presence of neuroses, and, probably, a psychotherapist will also be able to correct potency problems.
  • Is it safe for health to regularly take sem*nax preparations ?

Unlike other male health supplements, every ingredient in sem*nax capsules has been scientifically tested and found to be safe to consume. In addition, unique ingredients and carefully controlled doses ensure better absorption by the body without the risk of side effects.

  • How to take sem*nax ?

According to the instructions, take one capsule 4 times a day with meals.

  • How does sem*nax work on the body?

When taking sem*nax , the body naturally begins to produce more sem*n. Due to the need to get rid of the abundance of sperm, the muscles of the penis are forced to contract harder and for a longer period of time, providing a better org*sm. This act leads to greater pleasure and satisfaction for both men and their partners and increased libido.

  • True that by taking sem*nax, I will have a longer and more intense org*sm?

Truth! With sem*nax, users achieve and exceed average levels of sperm production. As a bonus, users experience more extended and more intense org*sms. As a result, they can better satisfy their partners. Also, if a couple is trying to conceive, seminal ejacul*tion increases the chances of successful fertilization.

  • How much will the amount of sperm increase when taking sem*nax ?

With sem*nax, seminal fluid will increase up to 70%.

  • If it seems to me that the drug does not give the expected effect, will I get my money back?

You receive a 100% money-back guarantee within 67 days of purchase if the result does not meet your expectations. Simply return the empty capsule container and your money will be refunded.

  • Where can you buy sem*nax ?

sem*nax capsules can be bought on the official website www.sem*

  • Is the product safe if the family is planning a pregnancy?

Yes. This product is recommended to increase a man’s libido and the chances of fertilization.

  • How long will the effect of sem*nax last ?

As you take the capsules, the amount and quality of sem*n will increase and reach the maximum level.

  • What happens if I stop taking sem*nax ?

After you stop taking the capsules, sperm production will gradually return to its original level, according to your body’s physiology.


Today, there are many drugs and methods, the task of which is to increase the amount of sperm significantly. However, the drug sem*nax, created based on natural extracts, and having a versatile, positive effect on the body of a man, is the most effective. However, the main property of sem*nax remains an effective increase in the amount of sperm, which improves sexual intimacy. It helps to speed up the process of conceiving a child.

sem*nax is a unique drug that is absolutely safe for health, has no side effects and has only a positive effect on a man’s sexual function.

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sem*nax Review and Results(Before/After Pics). I Tried this Supplement (5)

John Bassett

John Bassett is a urologist in California. He received his medical degree from the Keck School of Medicine of USC. TikTok, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion

sem*nax Review and Results(Before/After Pics). I Tried this Supplement (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.